Tincture is a 50% solution of pure propolis with 50% neutral grain spirits.
This is a very potent mixture! Most propolis tinctures available have no
more than 20% propolis. So you will need to use very little for a very
effective dosage. Propolis Tincture will create a protective coating over
the affected area while healing at the same time! It is truly an incredible
and effective healing tincture! 3-4 drops should be enough to sooth most
sore throats and open cuts & sores in the mouth. Over 100 doses per bottle!
It is packaged in an easy to use 1 oz. glass dropper bottle.
Propolis Tincture 1
oz. $14.99
Our Bee Propolis Chunks are raw propolis pieces straight from the hive! Each
chunk is approximately 500 mg's of pure propolis but can be up to 1000 mg's
in size. We suggest you simply chew the propolis chunks like gum. Chew it
for as long as you can. For good health, chew 1-3 small propolis chunks
daily or as recommended by a health care professional. Bee propolis should
be stored in the refrigerator.
Propolis Chunks
oz. $29.99
Mix our Bee Propolis Powder in your favorite morning drink. For good health,
use ˝ teaspoon daily or as recommended by a health care professional. Bee
Propolis Powder should be stored dry cool dark area.
Did you know that Propolis is called Russian Penicillin? It was found in
every First Aid kit (and likely still is) in the Eastern European Countries
where they did not have access to pharmaceutical drugs. It targets a wide
variety of health problems naturally.
Propolis Kills Cancer Cells
A study was recently published in the American Journal of Biochemistry and
Biotechnology demonstrating propolis' effect on breast cancer and prostate
cancer cells.
Propolis Shows Antibacterial Activity Against MRSA MRSA is that potentially deadly bacteria so commonly found in hospitals
throughout the world that is resistant to most antibiotics. I'm sure you've
read in your local paper at least one story about MRSA. This is the first
report that shows antibacterial activity of propolis against standard and
resistant strains of E. coli and MRSA.
It just might be a good idea to consume bee propolis anytime you enter a
hospital these days. MRSA is a very common bacteria and can easily be
transferred. I keep a small bottle of tincture with me almost all the time
and load up on it when flying or whenever entering a high traffic public
Propolis Ointment ‘Significantly Improved’ Wound Healing
A recent study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology evaluated the
wound healing potential of propolis.
Topical application of propolis ointment for 14 days significantly improved
the wound contraction when compared to the control group.
How To Take Propolis
For general health, chew 1-3 small propolis chunks daily or as recommended
by your health care provider. If using Propolis powder, take a ˝ teaspoon
daily, or 5 drops of tincture, 2-3 times a day.